Weekly Book Deals – 16th March, 2020
Are you looking for a new book to read? Perhaps you’re wanting to fill your bookshelves, or else get some inspiration for your writing. Either way, you should check out this week’s book deals from Literary Edits. Each week, we recommend a selection of different eBooks based on monthly and weekly book deals. These are either books which we have read (and loved), or books which we think our readers will love! Enjoy the deals!
#1 – The Bone Ships by R. J. Barker
Genre(s): Fantasy.
For generations, the Hundred Isles have built their ships from the bones of ancient dragons as they fight in an endless war. When the dragons disappeared, the battles for supremacy persisted, but now the first dragon in centuries has been spotted. Whoever catches it will win not only glory but also the war.
#2 – Eagles at War by Ben Kane
Genre(s): Historical Fiction.
In the summer of 9 CE, Publius Varus, a Roman governor, and Lucius Tullus, a centurion, are ambushed by German warriors. What follows is a terrible slaughter. The Roman defeat is overwhelming, but it is not until the third day of the massacre that the true scale of their loss becomes clear.
#3 – Empty Cradles by Margaret Humphreys
Genre(s): Nonfiction, Memoir.
In 1986, Margaret Humphreys, a social worker based in Nottingham, investigated the case of a woman who claimed that, at the age of four, the British government had set her on a boat to Australia. Margaret soon discovered that as many as 150,000 children had been deported from children’s homes and made it her mission to renuite them with their families.
#4 – Just F*cking Do It by Noor Hibbert
Genre(s): Nonfiction, Self-Help.
Just F*cking Do It takes you on a journey towards self-discovery and personal transformation; through an approach that combines psychological rigour with spirituality, it focusses on changing the way you think about and interact with the world.
#5 – Ross Poldark by Winston Graham
Genre(s): Historical Fiction, Romance.
When a weary Ross Poldark returns to England after fighting in the American War of Independence, he is looking forward to a joyful homecoming, but, when he arrives, he discovers that his father has died, his estate is derelict, and Elizabeth, the girl he loves, is engaged to his cousin.
Thank you for reading! These books are based on the prices stated during the writing of this post. Deals change quickly, though, so make sure you take advantage of them soon!
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